Call to Action: Thank the Joint Committee on Public Health for voting favorably on S.1391 and H.604

Massachusetts Families for Vaccines thanks the Joint Committee on Public Health for favorably reporting out H.604/S.1391, which would remove the non-medical exemption from routine childhood vaccines in Massachusetts schools.

We are grateful to Rep. Vargas and Sen. Kennedy for their work championing this important legislation. As several other states have removed their non-medical exemptions in recent years, they have seen subsequent improvements in immunization rates and better protection against preventable diseases throughout their communities. Strengthening vaccine requirements protects everyone, especially infants and people with compromised immune systems. Vaccines also save the state money by limiting strain on the healthcare system and preventing unnecessary healthcare spending.

Massachusetts is a leader in public health and childhood immunizations, and it’s time for us to remove the non-medical exemption and make our schools safer for all children.

We look forward to advancing this legislation again in the new year!